Thursday, October 27, 2005

Gender Bias - Courts

“... ours is a sick profession marked by incompetence, lack of training, misconduct and bad manners. Ineptness, bungling, malpractice and bad ethics can be observed in court houses all over this country every day ... these incompetents have a seeming unawareness of the fundamental ethics of the profession.”
Chief Justice Warren Burger
This blog makes no attempt to polarize genders, as both are susceptible to the family law intrusion into your lives. To maintain the adversarial nature of proceedings, the courts typically portray women as the party needing support and preferential treatment. Who wouldn’t side with a Mom with children? It’s natural for them to use this public reaction to their advantage. But this blog isn’t gender oriented in its intent even though the system appears to side in favor of the women.

Read this report on Gender Bias in the courts:

Traditionally, men have borne the responsibility of paying alimony, but that is not necessary in today’s society. With women enjoying the benefits of equality and parity in the workplace, their income can often be greater than that of the men. This exposes them to the probability that the burden of alimony payments will be placed on them instead.
Women have reached an almost equal parity with men and have the same opportunity to become financially independent. When this situation exists, the shoe is on the other foot and alimony judgments (if applied on a gender neutral basis) can work to their detriment. This will occur even more in the future as the parity difference diminishes.

* Setting Up For Marital Bliss Or Preparing For A Divorce. Divorce rate is up in the Marines as many get married for all the wrong reasons.

* 4 Feminist Myths about Domestic Violence. There are two sides to every story.
* The Federal Bureau of Marriage? The very agencies asked to promote healthy marriages have for decades been entrenched in the divorce and child-support system, which depends on the breakup of marriages.

* If you are going to represent yourself in court or going to be on trial, it will be a great help to know what to expect and how to conduct yourself. “Represent Yourself In Court” is an excellent reference book.

* Legal Information Institute. Go down the list until you find Family Law.

* Connor v. Southwest Florida Regional Medical Center, Inc., 668 So. 2d 175 (Fla. 1995). The Florida Supreme Court ruling in abrogating the doctrine of necessaries.

* Another Judge, Another Screw Up. And the judge throws in a little gender bias against women also.
