Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Marriage Strike Advocated And Endorsed

For immediate release

Group Advocating To Abolish Lifetime Alimony Endorses
Nationwide Marriage Strike

Venice, FL., - March 21, 2007. - The Abolish Alimony Organization,
with thousands of supporters around the country who are burdened
with "lifetime" alimony payments, is advocating and promoting
a nationwide "Marriage Strike" to protest the way the family law
system of oppressive dissolution statutes are crafted by state
legislature and then administered by state courts granted sweeping
discretionary authority. The dissolution of marriage system is
causing the demise of the institution of marriage along with the
devastation of the family unit.

The Marriage Strike is nothing new. It is a well-documented,
ongoing worldwide phenomena that is just now showing its head and
being recognized. More and more people are electing to avoid marriage
in favor of cohabitation for a number of reasons.

William A. Cabana, chairman of the organization says, "The purpose of
this strike is two-fold. First, to alert individuals contemplating
marriage as to the hazards of entering into a marriage contract that
could adversely affect their financial status and cause the loss of a
meaningful contact with their children should they get divorced, and
second; to alert the legislators, courts and the public that reform
is needed immediately to rectify the inequities that exist."

The theme of the strike is "NO MARRIAGES....NO DIVORCES" and
is encouraging individuals who are contemplating marriage to show
their support and avoid marriage until the system is reformed to
where divorce is equitable for both parties.

Cabana says, "without marriages, there can be no divorces. Without
divorces, there are no legal proceedings. Without legal proceedings,
there are no attorneys or courts involved in the spouses lives.
Without attorneys or courts involved in their lives, there will be
no adverse financial consequences for the parties and no profits
to be made off the divorce proceedings by the legal profession,
the court system or the State. When there are no profits to be made,
only then will the attorneys, courts and the legislatures sit up and
take notice."

Divorce is a huge industry making many lawyers wealthy and feeding
the bureaucracies associated with divorce, i.e., mental health
bureaucracy, child support enforcement bureaucracy, domestic violence
administration bureaucracy, etc. Lawyer created legislation has given
lawyers a multitude of avenues to create as many adversarial divorces
as possible.

Just as tort reform is necessary in America dissolution of marriage
laws and courts are in need of major reform. As an example of needed
reform is this Florida Appellate court ruling. It is a ruling of
which citizens getting married are completely unaware.

In the Florida case of Daniel v. Daniel, 922 So.2d 1041
(Fla.App. 4 Dist. 2006), it says:

"Since marriage is of vital interest to society and the state, it has
frequently been said that in every divorce suit the state is a third
party whose interests take precedence over the private interests of
the spouses." Posner v. Posner, 233 So.2d 381, 383 (Fla. 1970)."

The ease with which a divorce can be accomplished with the help of
no-fault divorce laws along with the promise of at least half of the
assets, pensions and retirement funds, coupled with child support if
there are children and a lifetime of alimony support payments are a
strong incentive for a dissatisfied spouse to terminate the marriage
while the other spouse picks up the bill.

Supporting this view is the fact of the divorce rate hovering
around the 50% mark and the recent statistics from the Census Bureau
are showing that there are now more unmarried households in the U.S.
than married ones. These numbers have been steadily growing since the
advent of the no-fault divorce and the trend shows no signs of abating.

The Marriage Strike is nothing new and is a well-documented and
ongoing worldwide phenomena that is just now showing its head and
being recognized. More and more people are electing to avoid marriage
in favor of cohabitation for a number of reasons.

Many unmarried men, seeing what the hazards of divorce can have on
their financial security are electing not to marry. Divorced spouses
who are paying alimony have seen the devastating effects divorce can
impose on their financial resources and removal of their children from
their life. While on the other hand, spouses who are receiving alimony
do not want to have the alimony income terminated in the event they
get remarried again.

As a result, more people who have been divorced, are now electing to
avoid marriage. With cohabitation, all of them can have their cake and
eat it too. The sum result of all this has been a "Marriage Strke."
sponsored, in effect, by the ways the family laws have been administered

Further details about the Marriage Strike can be found on the
Organization's website at

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Join the Alliance For Freedom From Alimony, Inc. to support the fight to abolish alimony.

Monday, March 19, 2007

New Jersey A Party To Marriage Contract

"In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock." --Thomas Jefferson

The State of New Jersey claims it is a third party to the marriage contract in all marriages. Yet, the State never discloses this to the other two parties to the contract. It never discloses what its specific performance is in order for the State's position in the contract to be valid. It never discloses what its consideration to those parties in order for the State's position in the contract to be valid.

The State of New Jersey claims it is a third party to a marriage contract but never performs its end of the bargain. This is "constructive fraud". The two parties to the marriage contract, husband and wife, have been defrauded by the State of New Jersey acting as a fraudulent third party who is under no obligation to abide by the terms of the marriage contract.

If the State of New Jersey were to abide by the terms of the marriage contract then they would have to pay for a married couple's home mortgage, new car loans, trips around the world, million dollar bank accounts. Otherwise, the State of New Jersey has no business being involved in marriages.

Marriage is a fundamental, God-given right that cannot be licensed by the State in order to allow the State to become an uninvited third party. Licenses are imposed by the regulatory police powers of the State in order to do something that is illegal or unlawful. Since when did marriage, a God-given, fundamental right, become illegal or unlawful. In New Jersey, marriage licenses were once required because of interracial marriages and blood testing. Since interfering with interracial marriages is a racially motivated bias/hate crime and since 1998 blood tests are no longer necessary, why are marriage licenses required at all?

In Zablocki v. Redhail, 434 U.S. 374, 98 S.Ct. 673 (1978), the U.S. Supreme Court held that marriage is fundamental right that requires strict judicial scrutiny if the State wants to interfere with marriage. The High Court held that substantial interferences with that right will therefore not be sustained merely because they are rational. In Zablocki, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a Wisconsin statute that prohibited a party from marrying if they owed child support. In Loving v. Virginia, 388 U.S. 1, 12, 87 S.Ct. 1817 (1967), the U.S. Supreme Court further upheld the fundamental right to marry when it held that the State could not prohibit marriages on the basis of race.

Yet, New Jersey violates those U.S. Supreme Court holdings and violates the fundamental, God-given right to marriage by stating it is a third party to every marriage. Not only is this unconstitutional but it violates Freedom of Religion as it interferes with marrying parties' rights to worship their religions. This is a direct religious persecution attack by the State on religions.

There is a long line of New Jersey cases implicating the State in criminal acts of violating constitutional rights. These cases show that the state is a party to a marriage and to divorces. This is a violation of the fundamental right to marry without state interference. The state has no real compelling interest to interfere with marriages because to do so only supports the legal industry's profit motive.

The State is a party at interest to the marriage contract or status together with the husband and wife". Duerner v. Duerner, 142 N.J. Eq. 259 (E. & A. 1948). "The law does not encourage divorce actions and regards such actions as imposing special responsibilities upon the court and attorneys as officers of the court because, in every divorce action, State is in fact, if not in name, third party having substantial interest, and public is represented by 'court's conscience'. In re Backes, 16 N.J. 430, 433-34 (1954). See also, Schlemm v. Schlemm, 31 N.J. 557, 585 (1960).

"The State is a third party to every matrimonial action to sever or void the bonds of matrimony...It has long been well settled and now stands unchallenged that marriage is a social relationship subject in all respects to the state's police power". Manion v. Manion, 143 N.J. Super. 499, 502 (Ch.Div. 1976), citing Rothman v. Rothman, 65 N.J. 219, 228 (1974).

"It has been well said that in the granting of divorces the state, as well as the parties, is interested, and that the public is represented by what is called 'the conscience of the court'...." The State is a third party to every divorce proceeding and has exclusive control of the matrimonial status of those domiciled within its borders. McLean v. Grabowski, 92 N.J. Super. 545, 547-48 (Ch.Div. 1966).

"Other contracts may be modified, restricted, or enlarged, or entirely released, upon the consent of the parties. Not so with marriage. The relation once formed, the law steps in and holds the parties to various obligations and liabilities. It is an institution in the maintenance of which, in its purity, the public is deeply interested, for it is the foundation of the family and of society, without which there would be neither civilization nor progress". McLean v. Grabowski, at 547.

These words sound great but in reality they are hollow words. However, after the New Jersey Divorce Reform Act of 1976, in which no-fault divorce came into being, the State of New Jersey showed its true hand by not being interested in marriages. Under the new law the State allowed one party to request a divorce--a total sundering of the institution of marriage.

When did the State of New Jersey become a party to a marriage? When did it inform the parties to a marriage that it was a third party to the marriage? When did it inform the parties of what specific performance it would perform? When did it inform the parties of its consideration to those parties?

The courts nowadays are talking out of both sides of their mouth about this issue. This is for the beneficial profit motive of attorneys. At the recent Michaels Attorney Ethics hearings in 1994-1995, and the recent Divorce Reform legislation hearings around the same time, testimony by dozens of attorneys reflected one thing: They were only interested in how they were going to get paid for representing their clients in divorce matters. One of the ways they suggested was to put a lien on a client's property.

The state is no longer interested in maintaining marriages. Divorce is a huge industry making many lawyers wealthy and feeding the bureaucracies associated with divorce, i.e., mental health bureaucracy, child support enforcement bureaucracy, domestic violence administration bureaucracy, etc. Lawyer created legislation has given lawyers a multitude of avenues to create as many divorces as possible. Divorce in New Jersey averages between $70,000- $100,000 per couple. Since the Divorce Reform Act was instituted, divorces jumped from under 5,000 to over 70,000. Lawyers have found a financial windfall in divorce litigation. This is redistribution of wealth from the suffering of others into lawyers' pockets.

As can be clearly seen in Massar v. Massar, 279 N.J. Super. 89, 94-95 (App.Div. 1995), 652 A.2d 219, the State gives "lip service" that it "does not promote divorce and as always has strong public interest in promoting marriage". Massar vs. Massar at page 94 holds that "the State has adopted a public policy through statute that citizens of state shall have liberal grounds to disengage themselves from marriages...."

What the State granteth by licensure, the State can taketh away! The time has passed already and all of us must contact our state legislators and demand that they remove all statutory reference to marriage licenses except in cases of homosexual marriages or where two mentally defective adults are involved. The state has no right to tell who and when to marry except in these two circumstances.



* Nothing I Didn't Already Know: Women Rule The World...


* Can't Find a Husband? Today's Men Are Afraid of Marriage and Having Kids.
* Good Women And Blank Ammunition


* Judge Accused of Misconduct, Recommended for Censure


* Disbarred Massachusetts Attorney Barbara C. Johnson

* Florida Lawyer: Internet Resources On Florida Law.

Be sure to visit these sites: and
